I empower men and women who are trapped in psychologically and emotionally abusive, controlling, narcissistic relationships, to find healing, freedom, and confidence, so that they can fulfill their God-given purpose, knowing they have a future and hope. 


I empower people, who are trapped in psychologically and emotionally abusive, controlling, narcissistic relationships, to find healing, freedom, and confidence, so that they can fulfill their God-given purpose, knowing they have a future and hope. 


What is Your Stage of Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse?

Take this FREE 60-second quiz to find out what stage you are at in your recovery from narcissistic abuse.


The toxicity you have experienced is not your destiny. Whether you are in a toxic environment now, recovering from toxic relationships or trying not to repeat past situations, we have resources for you.

Are you starting a new relationship?

Does the beginning of your relationship feel too good to be true? Afraid of repeating toxic relationships? Learn how to recognize the signs of a toxic relationship before you get involved. 


Are you in a relationship where you feel controlled?

If you are in a controlling, manipulative, abusive, or narcissistic relationship we are here to encourage and support you. Find resources on how to hold your course.


Are you in a toxic community? 

Work, church, community--these are central to our lives and relationships. When they go off track, however, it can be painful and confusing. These resources are designed to bring clarity through practical and biblical insights. 


Are you recovering from a toxic relationship?

Toxic relationships can leave you reeling, feeling lost in life, and struggling to get back to your true self. My resources are designed to walk you through this process, practically and biblically.


Shaneen Megji

Certified Coach & Christian Counselor

Most people know me through my Youtube channel, “Toxicity is Not Your Destiny,” where I tackle the difficult topic of narcissism from a Biblical, practical, and spiritual perspective.

It seems my whole life has prepared me to do the work I am so passionate about today. Let’s just say I had to swim in narcissistic waters for many years, in workplace scenarios, in my previous faith as a Muslim, in friendships, and even in the church.


Download your FREE GIFT NOW!

7 Red Flags to Spot a Narcissist 

This eBook is one of Shaneen Megji's most popular publications available as a free download. Inside of this eBook, you will learn:

  • How to tell the difference between a person with their human faults and a narcissist.
  • How to put your finger on the warning signs of a too-good-to-be-true relationship.
  • How to spot toxic patterns in any relationship: romantic, professional, romantic, or platonic.

Recover Your Identity After Narcissistic Relationships

Apply for my 12-week, group coaching program and journey
with me and about 12 others to: 

  • Find healing, freedom, and confidence;
  • Set healthy boundaries while keeping your peace;
  • Recover your God-given identity;
  • Align with God’s vision and move forward with your life;
  • Connect with other women who understand the isolation, pain, confusion, manipulation, gaslighting;
  • And much, much more...

 (Photos have been changed to protect identities.)


Canada | Ministry Leader

Before I started coaching with Shaneen, I couldn’t tell the truth from the lies. I desperately wanted to believe that the toxic patterns and lifestyle I was in were not my forever story, but I felt lost, hopeless, discouraged, and crazy. When I “stumbled” over Shaneen’s videos on you-tube, I felt seen & heard by God. Finally, there was someone out there that was offering a God-perspective of hope to my newly discovered Narcissistic situation! And Shaneen backed up her teaching with Scripture which was unbelievably refreshing to me.

When I started my 12 weeks of coaching with Shaneen, I felt a new freedom in my life - like I didn’t have to try to explain myself to someone who didn’t understand. I felt understood by someone who was skilled with Narcissistic patterns. I finally felt like I wasn’t crazy. It was a safe place to lay everything out that I had been holding in for decades ...a safe place to cry, laugh, and be real without being judged. A place of hope.

Every week I felt like I had someone cheering me on as I practiced new habits of relating. I felt like I could hang in there one more day until I could talk to Shaneen, instead of exploding at my husband or just abandoning my desires and caving in one more time. And her coaching time was very affordable. I felt like when Shaneen said yes to helping me navigate my toxic situation and that was the first step to freedom and a new season of life. I finally acknowledged that my situation was real and I needed help with it.

Shaneen became a friend over those 12 weeks, and her advice and counsel, and compassionate voice that is filled with wisdom continues to echo in the walls of my head and my heart as I continue to practice the new lifestyle and truths that she helped me discover and embrace. And the gift of having access to her video blogs is priceless. She has such a download of wisdom that I know comes straight from the heart of God ... it is refreshing and solid and life-transforming.


New York | CEO & Founder of a NonProfit Organization and Social Worker

Shaneen is an incredibly powerful woman. She has offered wisdom and guidance that has fully exceeded my expectations. Not only does Shaneen help me manage my relationship with a narcissistic person but she empowers me with applicable tools to navigate the challenges of life.

Shaneen is a spiritual Jedi. She is guided by the light of Christ and embodies a deep level of compassion, courage, and forgiveness.

Shaneen has taught me how to lower my anxiety when dealing with a highly unpredictable person and to navigate the relationship with grace, courage, and forgiveness. This has allowed me to lower my anxiety overall, increased my sense of peace, and given me more courage and confidence.

Shaneen is truly the best mentor, teacher, and counselor I have ever had. I can't recommend her enough.

She is simply a gift to anyone who is seeking to cultivate more courage, deeper spiritual growth, and increase their ability to navigate life's challenges.


North Carolina | Software Engineer and Marine Veteran

Working with Shaneen has been a game-changer. Over a year ago, I was dealing with some very difficult and abusive personalities. I knew something was off, and I needed help navigating various situations. I came across Shaneen's YouTube channel and knew almost immediately that she could help me navigate the very trying people and circumstances. In fact, as we started working together, she helped me go far beyond and deeper than that, addressing long-standing issues that were leaving the door open in my life to bad actors.

Over the past year of working with Shaneen, I have experienced nothing short of a massive and blessed turnaround. G-d has really used Shaneen to help me see the truth in wisdom of many patterns in my life and to make a plan for growth and positive change. Now, I have mostly resolved the very trying issues that were plaguing me, made many practical life changes that will draw me closer to G-d and the relationships that matter most in my life, and embarked on an entirely new career successfully.

If you have read this far, just do it -- work with Shaneen and be prepared for massive blessings and changes in your life as well.


Shaneen creates videos to help you navigate narcissistic relationships in your life from a biblical, practical, and spiritual perspective.

Why Narcissists Are So ‘Generous’: The Hidden Agenda Behind the Gifts

Sometimes, the most dangerous manipulation doesn’t come through anger or control, but through unexpected generosity. When someone overwhelms you with attention, gifts, and praise, it can feel like love—until it becomes a tool for control.

Why God Allows Toxic Relationships: 5 Ways He Uses Them for Good 

Ever wonder why God allows toxic relationships in your life? What if those painful experiences are actually part of His plan to transform you, heal deep wounds, and prepare you for a greater purpose?

Forgiving or Enabling a Narcissist:  What Would Jesus Do?

What does forgiveness look like when you're in a relationship with a narcissist who continues to do hurtful things and never takes responsibility?

How to Leave a Narcissist: Practical Steps to Planning Your Exit

Leaving an abusive narcissist requires a plan. Find peace in biblical examples of escapes and plan your exit with these 12 steps.

The Shepherd or the Wolf? Telling True Leaders from Narcissists

Explore startling truths and powerful tools to help you discern between Christ-centered leaders and covert religious narcissists who pose as spiritual leaders.

7 Insightful Proverbs from the Bible on How to Deal with Narcissists

Have you ever wondered if the Bible holds the key to dealing with the narcissist in your life? Narcissists fit the biblical definition of a fool and then some. So, whatever the Bible says about fools, you can apply to narcissists.

The Three Deepest Fears of a Narcissist and How Their Fears Control Us

Beneath their confident facade lies a fragile ego driven by deep fears that control the narcissist's behavior. Discover the three core fears that shape a narcissist's actions. Equip yourself to navigate your interactions with greater clarity and confidence.

Public Praise & Private Abuse: The Psychological Warfare of Narcissists

Why does the narcissist praise you in public but tear you down in private? This is more than just a confusing contradiction—it's a deliberate tactic to control and manipulate you. Learn how to protect yourself from their toxic games.