Our transformational coaching curriculum is designed to produce maximum results in minimal time. We support you in developing and refining the skills you need to succeed. We’ll help you confront challenges head-on and develop a plan of action to overcome what has hindered you in the past.

Our Coaching Clients Receive:
- Personalized coaching curriculum designed for you
- Weekly/ Monthly coaching sessions
- Specific action-oriented assignments
- Direct email access to your coach
- Confidential advice and accountability
- And much, much more!
What did Michael Jordan, Princess Diana,C.S. Lewis and Oprah Winfrey all have in common? They all used coaches. Even at the peak of their careers, great leaders continue to use coaches to help them achieve more. If you are ready to take action and create the outcomes you want, we offer coaching programs to assist you in the process. Improve your performance and your results!
Pursue a more focused level of intentional growth through our transformational coaching services. To learn more about how you or your team can benefit from our customized coaching solutions click here.
Crisis Recovery
Crises affect people on many different levels- physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Well-meaning friends may say, “Pull yourself together,” but how can you do that when you feel shattered and spent by what you’ve been through?
Shaneen Megji helps people cope with the aftershock of crisis and demoralizing trauma. We know it isn’t easy, but there is hope.
In this encouraging program, you will discover common keys that help everyone, regardless of their age or situation.
- The 4 Stages of Recovery and How Resilience Affects Each Stage
- How to Mitigate Trauma-Related Stress and Emotional Suffering
- How to “Regain Equilibrium" and Recover Following a Crisis
- How to Eliminate Negative Self-Talk
- Restoring Calm After Catastrophe: 3 Critical Steps

Download your FREE GIFT NOW!
7 Red Flags to Spot a Narcissist by Shaneen Megji
This eBook is one of Shaneen Megji's most popular publications available as a free download. Inside of this eBook, you will learn:
- How to tell the difference between a person with their human faults and a narcissist.
- How to put your finger on the warning signs of a too-good-to-be-true relationship.
How to spot toxic patterns in any relationship: romantic, professional, romantic, or platonic.

Canada | Ministry Leader
Before I started coaching with Shaneen, I couldn’t tell the truth from the lies. I desperately wanted to believe that the toxic patterns and lifestyle I was in were not my forever story, but I felt lost, hopeless, discouraged, and crazy. When I “stumbled” over Shaneen’s videos on you-tube, I felt seen & heard by God. Finally, there was someone out there that was offering a God-perspective of hope to my newly discovered Narcissistic situation! And Shaneen backed up her teaching with Scripture which was unbelievably refreshing to me.
When I started my 12 weeks of coaching with Shaneen, I felt a new freedom in my life - like I didn’t have to try to explain myself to someone who didn’t understand. I felt understood by someone who was skilled with Narcissistic patterns. I finally felt like I wasn’t crazy. It was a safe place to lay everything out that I had been holding in for decades ...a safe place to cry, laugh, and be real without being judged. A place of hope.
Every week I felt like I had someone cheering me on as I practiced new habits of relating. I felt like I could hang in there one more day until I could talk to Shaneen, instead of exploding at my husband or just abandoning my desires and caving in one more time. And her coaching time was very affordable. I felt like when Shaneen said yes to helping me navigate my toxic situation and that was the first step to freedom and a new season of life. I finally acknowledged that my situation was real and I needed help with it.
Shaneen became a friend over those 12 weeks, and her advice and counsel, and compassionate voice that is filled with wisdom continues to echo in the walls of my head and my heart as I continue to practice the new lifestyle and truths that she helped me discover and embrace. And the gift of having access to her video blogs is priceless. She has such a download of wisdom that I know comes straight from the heart of God ... it is refreshing and solid and life-transforming.

New York | CEO & Founder of a NonProfit Organization and Social Worker
Shaneen is an incredibly powerful woman. She has offered wisdom and guidance that has fully exceeded my expectations. Not only does Shaneen help me manage my relationship with a narcissistic person but she empowers me with applicable tools to navigate the challenges of life.
Shaneen is a spiritual Jedi. She is guided by the light of Christ and embodies a deep level of compassion, courage, and forgiveness.
Shaneen has taught me how to lower my anxiety when dealing with a highly unpredictable person and to navigate the relationship with grace, courage, and forgiveness. This has allowed me to lower my anxiety overall, increased my sense of peace, and given me more courage and confidence.
Shaneen is truly the best mentor, teacher, and counselor I have ever had. I can't recommend her enough.
She is simply a gift to anyone who is seeking to cultivate more courage, deeper spiritual growth, and increase their ability to navigate life's challenges.

North Carolina | Software Engineer and Marine Veteran
Working with Shaneen has been a game-changer. Over a year ago, I was dealing with some very difficult and abusive personalities. I knew something was off, and I needed help navigating various situations. I came across Shaneen's YouTube channel and knew almost immediately that she could help me navigate the very trying people and circumstances. In fact, as we started working together, she helped me go far beyond and deeper than that, addressing long-standing issues that were leaving the door open in my life to bad actors.
Over the past year of working with Shaneen, I have experienced nothing short of a massive and blessed turnaround. G-d has really used Shaneen to help me see the truth in wisdom of many patterns in my life and to make a plan for growth and positive change. Now, I have mostly resolved the very trying issues that were plaguing me, made many practical life changes that will draw me closer to G-d and the relationships that matter most in my life, and embarked on an entirely new career successfully.
If you have read this far, just do it -- work with Shaneen and be prepared for massive blessings and changes in your life as well.

New Jersey | Social Worker
What was my life like before I started coaching with Shaneen? After living through a 31-year narcissistic relationship, my healing process was stuck 6 years after discard and divorce. I continued to experience emotional pain and despair, despite utilizing numerous healing methods, including books, youtube videos, online support groups, and counseling, both Christian and secular.
Coaching with Shaneen was different - she brought to the table the perfect balance of her knowledge and expertise in narcissistic abusive relationships and her strong Christian faith with applicable biblical references. Shaneen’s coaching validated the real trauma that I had experienced while helping me to discover eye-opening relevance from my own personal background, prior to my narcissistic relationship, even back to my childhood.
Shaneen’s unique coaching is a multi-faceted approach, incorporating a series of modules that consisted of videos and exercises in addition to valuable one on one time with her. It is a well-developed process that is more like a journey from a dark place where hope seems far off to a place where light and hope can be seen and appear attainable.
Shaneen’s compassion, and her ability to relate, and offer real hope, with God being the central driving force truly helped me begin to move forward in my healing journey in just a few sessions. My experience with Shaneen as a coach was truly beneficial, and I would wholeheartedly recommend her coaching to anyone in need.

Colorado | Holistic Health Trainer
I found Shaneen’s youtube videos on narcissism at a time when my life was in shambles due to divorcing a narcissist. He had called me the narcissist, and so to better understand if I was, I researched what one was.
From the moment I watched the first video of Shaneen, I was drawn in by her incredible depth of understanding of the mind, behavior, and motives of a narcissist. While I had learned other dynamics from other experts in the field, what drew me to Shaneen was her biblical perspective on these individuals. Her wisdom and perspective, due to her faith, offer a unique gift that few offer to help navigate someone to healing who has been abused by a narcissist.
As I watched almost every video she put out, I privately contacted her to see if I could receive coaching from her. With great anticipation, she responded and had a slot opening for me. During one the bleakest, darkest, most painful times in my life, Shaneen was able to speak sound wisdom, encouragement, guidance, compassion, gentleness, patience, and a true embodiment of love to me when I most needed it. She helped me find hope when all I saw was despair.
For anyone going through a life transition in general, but especially tailored towards one that involves a narcissist, there is no one I could recommend more. She is truly set apart and you will be blessed by her.

Georgia | Senior Pastor
I was in an abusive marriage for thirty-one years. I was at the end of my rope and battling much shame.
Going through this coaching with Shaneen has taught me that the abuse was not my fault! I fell down so many times, and she slowly talked me into getting back up. She showed me that God is a compassionate and forgiving God. Even when we fall, it's possible to rise again!
Shaneen, as a coach, feels like a guardian angel sent directly to me from heaven. She relates her past life to show me, "I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me!" My experience with her is priceless and has been and will continue to be such a blessing to me!
Without a doubt, God sent her into my life. Her calm, non-judgmental voice is what I needed to transition out of the abuse and destruction once and for all. I pray for God to bless Shaneen and keep her strong so she can continue to be a rock, not just for me but others she comes in contact with also.

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