Why Narcissists Are So ā€˜Generousā€™: The Hidden Agenda Behind the Gifts Oct 13, 2024

Sometimes, the most dangerous manipulation doesn’t come through anger or control, but through unexpected generosity. When someone overwhelms...

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The Three Deepest Fears of a Narcissist and How Their Fears Control Us Aug 26, 2024

Narcissists are some of the most risk-tolerant, fearless types of personalities. They appear confident in their abilities. They pursue ambitious...

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Can a Narcissist Flip Between Being Covert and Overt? Jun 25, 2024

My inbox is always brimming with questions about narcissism and how to navigate difficult relationships. I think you might find this one...

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Explained: Why Narcissists Hate to See You Happy Jun 11, 2024

What if I told you that narcissists actively teach those around them not to be happy? Well, they do. The loss of joy is one of the most devastating...

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Are Narcissists Traumatized or Demonized? The Demonic Forces at Play Inside a Narcissist Mar 25, 2024

Are narcissists traumatized or demonized? The answer is "yes." They are both. In this blog, I'm going to dive into the connection between trauma...

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Silence as a Weapon: How to Overcome the Narcissistā€™s Silent Treatment Mar 21, 2024

Have you ever been in a situation where someone you cared about suddenly stopped speaking to you? No explanation, no argument, just silence. If...

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Top 10 Mind Games that Narcissists Play to Throw You Off Balance and Control You Feb 20, 2024

Are you in a relationship where things never seem to add up? Do you come away from conversations feeling like you were manipulated, but not sure...

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Dishonest Remorse: 5 Crafty Ways that Narcissists Try to Make You Think They're Sorry Jan 30, 2024

A narcissist can masterfully craft a confession that looks and sounds like an apology, but when you listen and observe more closely, there is no...

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How to Identify the Victim of Narcissistic Abuse (Versus the Narcissist Who Plays the Victim) Jan 04, 2024

When an abusive narcissist is called out on their behavior, whether they are exposed or confronted, they will likely play the victim rather than...

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Behind the Mask: How Narcissists Suppress Their Envy Dec 19, 2023

Narcissists have a strange mix of traits. On the one hand, they are envious of others.  But they also see themselves as...

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How to Be Empowered to Deal with a Narcissist When No-Contact is Not Possible Dec 13, 2023

In many cases, it’s necessary and wise to go no-contact after leaving a relationship with a narcissist. The reason? You cannot heal in the...

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Can Narcissists Genuinely Repent? What the Bible Says about a Narcissistā€™s Transformation Nov 04, 2023

How can you tell if a narcissist’s repentance is real? How do you know whether they have truly changed? The Bible says that you shall know a...

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How Do You Pray for a Narcissist? Oct 19, 2023

In this blog, I will share with you 11 key ways to pray for the narcissist in your life.

God is God over all time, past, present, and future....

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Are Narcissists Aware of Their Narcissism? Oct 09, 2023

Are narcissists aware of their narcissism? Do they realize they exhibit traits like excessive pride, gaslighting, manipulation, entitlement, and...

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